🇬🇧 First Friday of the Month in Stavanger: Artificial Intelligence and work
Join us for an in-person event to meet others and learn about AI at work from a few different perspectives. Inspiring? Learning experience? Fun? -we hope so!
Join us for an in-person event to meet others and learn about AI at work from a few different perspectives. Inspiring? Learning experience? Fun? -we hope so!
Join the even in collaboration with Diversify. For this last event of the year, you’ll hear the experiences of some other job seekers and mentors, and get the change to share your own.
Dette jobbverkstedet holdes av Karoline Skår, Talent Search & Growth, og Beate Lund, Talent & Project Management i Netlight. De kommer for å dele tips og triks for å lage en imponerende LinkedIn-profil.
Join the even on Leveraging Professional Networks in collaboration with Diversify.
Research indicates that signaling social skills is essential in a job interview, but how do we communicate skills? What does 'good communication' mean?
Have you noticed how some people learn languages in no time, while others struggle and struggle and never achieve fluency? What makes you great at language learning are the tools, methods and habits you use - and the best news is that anyone can do this in any language! Join the workshop and we'll show you how!
Denne månedens jobbverksted blir noe utenom det vanlige. Denne gangen skal vi nemlig på besøk hos PA Consulting. Tema blir intervjutrening, og til å gjennomføre intervjutreningen får du møte ansatte i PA!
Tools to Thrive: Interactive Mental Fitness Seminar is a workshop held by Elizabeth Sturdy. More details will be provided shortly, but save the date already!
Join the even on Preparing for job interviews in collaboration with Diversify.
Join us to hear Cyntia Myrnes, CEO and co-owner at Relocation AS share her career experiences as an international in Stavanger
The most important thing you can prioritise as a job seeker is yourself. Caring for your happiness and wellbeing is fundamental for staying motivated through the ups and downs of the job seeking process.
Måned holder vi jobbverksted for deg som er ny i Norge med høyere utdanning og et ønske om å finne en relevant jobb. På jobberkstedet får du faglig påfyll, møte andre jobbsøkere, hjelp til spørsmål om din jobbsøkingsprosess og praktisert norsk fagspråk.
Join the even on Crafting an Impactful CV and Cover Letter in collaboration with Diversify.
Du snakker bra norsk, og du forstår en hel del. Allikevel er det mange ting som ikke gir mening eller som fører til misforståelser. Hvordan språket brukes i forskjellige situasjoner og hvordan språk henger sammen med kultur er superviktig!
I denne workshoppen vil du lære hvorfor “takk for alt” ikke er den beste måten å avslutte mentor-relasjonen, og du vil få med deg noen verktøy som kan hjelpe deg å bruke klarere språk.
To be a job seeker in a new country and a new job culture can be tough. To stay motivated is the most important, but also the most difficult. In this workshop we will share tips on what you can do to stay motivated.
Have you considered remote work? Who knows - perhaps it’s your next opportunity. Join us, and our speakers Jacobo Blanco/Project Director, Fortea, and Tatiana Terekhina/HR Director, Globus.ai, to find out!
Å lære et nytt språk kan være veldig vanskelig eller ganske lett. Hvor godt du lykkes avhenger aller mest av de metodene og verktøyene du bruker. I denne workshopen deler vi noen av våre beste verktøy for å lære norsk bedre og raskere
Welcome to Culture Chat: an informal and fun workshop to work on intercultural skills
Sometimes it is not enough to make a clearer CV, write a better cover letter or impress on a job interview. Sometimes you have to strengthen your professional profile. In this workshop we will look at different ways how to do it.
LinkedIn er en kombinasjon av et sosialt medie og en åpen CV, og kalles ofte "Facebook for jobbsøkere". LinkedIn er derfor en utmerket måte å vise seg frem, knytte kontakger, og følge med på hva som skjer i din bransje. I denne workshopen gjennomgår vi ikke bare hvordan du lager, men også bruker din LinkedIn-profil som et aktivt verktøy i din jobbsøkingsprosess.
How can you use your soft skills - and international background - in a job application process? Join us to hear Cecilia Dziula, Head of HR with Dynamo Analytics Nordic, share her insights
Welcome to Culture Chat: an informal and fun workshop to work on intercultural skills
They say that almost 70% of all vacant positions in Norway are spread through nettworking. Then it makes sense to start building your nettwork! In this workshop we will help you understand how to build and use your nettwork.
Understanding cultural norms and expectations in a workplace is essential to succeed.
Norsk arbeidskultur er beryktet for å være vanskelig å komme inn i. Å forstå arbeidskulturen er viktig ikke bare for å få en jobb, men også for å trives og prestere optimalt når du først har fått jobben. I denne workshoppen får du en introduksjon til noen av de viktigste norske arbeidskodene.
Welcome to Culture Chat: an informal and fun workshop to work on intercultural skills
Job interview is something people are eager to be invited to, but dreading it after they have been invited. It does not have to be like that for you. With good preparation to the usual interview questions, you will feel like fish in the water at any interview. In this workshop we will help you with preparation.
På mange måter er en jobbsøknad bindeleddet mellom CVen og stillingsutlysningen. Du skal ikke bare vise alt du kan, men hvordan dette møter arbeidsgiverens behov. Å finne denne balansen kan være vanskelig, og er ofte kulturspesifikt. I denne workshopen ser vi på hvordan du kan skrive en god jobbsøknad i Norge.
Writing a good application letter can be tricky, and is certainly embedded in cultural communication norms. Join us in learning how to craft a good text!
Katrin Kristiansen, mentor with Sammen om en jobb and HR advisor at Boreal, is presenting.
What can we expect from the future of work in terms of more focus on Environment, Sustainability and Governance (ESG), reporting, and new energies? Join us to hear a few guests share information, and stay for a coffee and networking
One of the most usual mistakes in a job-seeking process is to focus on what you can, and not on what your potensial employer needs. In this workshop we will show you how to break down the job announcement, and meet the employer's needs.
First impressions count. What people think of you, matters. What you bring to a social interaction, matters.
Join us in learning about introducing yourself in different situations, and be prepared to discuss and practice. Presenter: Paula Robles Nettel from Revoltr