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🇬🇧 First Friday of the Month in Stavanger: Your international background as an asset to your career

👣 Open to: Everyone, but remember to register your attendance (link below)
🇬🇧 Language: English presentation, but feel free to ask questions in Norwegian
📍Location: Innovasjonsparken, Måltidets Hus, Richard Johnsens gate 4
📃 Register (mandatory): here

Event Description: We hear a lot about the challenges internationals face when entering the formal workforce in Norway. Join us to hear how you can flip the coin! Let’s talk about your international background and experience as an asset you can use to grow your career.

Guest speaker: Cynthia Myrnes, CEO and co-owner at Relocation AS


In Sammen om en jobb Job Workshops, you can
📗 Strengthen your job-seeking skills
💬 Meet other job seekers and perhaps some mentors
💪 Receive help and feedback on your questions
🇳🇴 Practice Norwegian in a professional context

The workshops are free for our members. Welcome!

2. oktober

🇳🇴 Mentortreff med ledercoach Vigdis Austrheim

16. oktober

🇬🇧 Preparing for job interviews