🇬🇧 First Friday of the Month in Stavanger: Artificial Intelligence and work
Join us for an in-person event to meet others and learn about AI at work from a few different perspectives. Inspiring? Learning experience? Fun? -we hope so!
Join us for an in-person event to meet others and learn about AI at work from a few different perspectives. Inspiring? Learning experience? Fun? -we hope so!
Research indicates that signaling social skills is essential in a job interview, but how do we communicate skills? What does 'good communication' mean?
Join us to hear Cyntia Myrnes, CEO and co-owner at Relocation AS share her career experiences as an international in Stavanger
Bli med på kick-off for høsten med Sammen om en jobb i Stavanger!
Please join us for Sammen om en jobb's Autumn 2024 kick-off in Stavanger!
Welcome to Sammen om en jobb Stavanger’s Summer Socializing!
Du snakker bra norsk, og du forstår en hel del. Allikevel er det mange ting som ikke gir mening eller som fører til misforståelser. Hvordan språket brukes i forskjellige situasjoner og hvordan språk henger sammen med kultur er superviktig!
I denne workshoppen vil du lære hvorfor “takk for alt” ikke er den beste måten å avslutte mentor-relasjonen, og du vil få med deg noen verktøy som kan hjelpe deg å bruke klarere språk.
Velkommen til erfaringsutveksling og nettverksbygging med andre mentorer! Mentortreffene er en uformell møteplass for mentorer hvor det meste av tiden er dedikert til dialog og diskusjon dere mentorer imellom.
Have you considered remote work? Who knows - perhaps it’s your next opportunity. Join us, and our speakers Jacobo Blanco/Project Director, Fortea, and Tatiana Terekhina/HR Director, Globus.ai, to find out!
Welcome to Culture Chat: an informal and fun workshop to work on intercultural skills
How can you use your soft skills - and international background - in a job application process? Join us to hear Cecilia Dziula, Head of HR with Dynamo Analytics Nordic, share her insights
Welcome to Culture Chat: an informal and fun workshop to work on intercultural skills
Understanding cultural norms and expectations in a workplace is essential to succeed.
Welcome to Culture Chat: an informal and fun workshop to work on intercultural skills
Writing a good application letter can be tricky, and is certainly embedded in cultural communication norms. Join us in learning how to craft a good text!
Katrin Kristiansen, mentor with Sammen om en jobb and HR advisor at Boreal, is presenting.
Kom innom for frokost, erfaringsutveksling og nettverksbygging med andre mentorer før jobb! Mentortreffene er en uformell møteplass for mentorer hvor det meste av tiden er dedikert til dialog og diskusjon dere mentorer imellom.
What can we expect from the future of work in terms of more focus on Environment, Sustainability and Governance (ESG), reporting, and new energies? Join us to hear a few guests share information, and stay for a coffee and networking
First impressions count. What people think of you, matters. What you bring to a social interaction, matters.
Join us in learning about introducing yourself in different situations, and be prepared to discuss and practice. Presenter: Paula Robles Nettel from Revoltr
Welcome to Culture Chat: an informal and fun workshop to work on intercultural skills
Carousels? AI and content creation? When is the best time to post? -This is a workshop for candidates who would like to use your LinkedIn profiles actively
For å lykkes med jobbsøkingsprosessen må du vite hva som skal til for å få en relevant jobb, og ha en tydelig plan for hvordan du skal komme deg dit. I dette seminaret hjelper vi deg med begge deler, slik at du kan øke dine sjanser for å få en relevant jobb.
Welcome (back) to Sammen om en jobb.
We hope you enjoyed a break and are ready to start the new year. Some of you are new, some are not: either way, I hope you’ll join me for a coffee and chat. No set topic, anything you want to ask, discuss, or share is welcome.
We are excited to meet you for an evening of networking to welcome the new year: Meet old friends as well as new ones. Hear what will happen in Sammen om en jobb this spring. Gain insights from our guest speaker. Welcome!
Looking for relevant work in a new country, and potentially adjusting to unfamiliar cultural norms at the same time, can be both challenging and demotivating. To support everyone with staying motivated, we have invited clinical psychologist Dr. Victoria Ross. Dr. Ross will share some expert insights and tips on how to look after one’s mental health and stay motivated as a job seeker.
Using conversation prompts especially designed for Norway from the tools Diversophy and FuelBox, we learn about others, as well as ourselves, and we develop our cultural intelligence along the way.
Nesten 70% av alle stillinger besettes gjennom nettverk. Da sier det seg selv at nettverksbygging er viktig! I denne workshoppen hjelper vi deg med å bygge og bruke dit profesjonelle nettverk i Norge.
Using conversation prompts especially designed for Norway from the tools Diversophy and FuelBox, we learn about others, as well as ourselves, and we develop our cultural intelligence along the way.
Do job interviews make you nervous? You’re not the only one - but fret not, we are here to help. Understanding how to prepare for a reply to different types of questions can support you through the process. You never know - perhaps you’ll ace your next interview. We are joined by Hanne Skogen (People & Culture business partner, Sval Energi) and Philip Milstead (Chief Geoscientist, Sval Energi). They will share insights on what to expect from and how to prepare for an interview, from a HR and technical perspective, respectively.
Join us in exploring your Strengths, and How to Use Them, with organization advisor and coach Mai Kristin Nilsen from Compita.
Mentortreffene er en uformell møteplass for mentorer hvor det meste av tiden er dedikert til dialog og diskusjon dere mentorer imellom. Velkommen!
En av de vanligste feilene mange gjør gjennom jobbsøkingsprosessen er å fokusere for mye på hva de selv kan og for lite på hva arbeidsgiveren faktisk trenger. I denne workshopen viser vi hvordan du kan bryte ned en stillingsutlysning for å svare på nøyaktig det arbeidsgiveren etterspør.
Using conversation prompts especially designed for Norway from the tools Diversophy and FuelBox, we learn about others, as well as ourselves, and we develop our cultural intelligence along the way.