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🇬🇧 First Friday of the Month in Stavanger: Artificial Intelligence and work

👣 Open to: all members and mentors
🇬🇧 Language: English presentation, but feel free to ask questions in Norwegian
📍Location: Innovasjonsparken, Måltidets Hus, Richard Johnsens gate 4
📃 Register (mandatory): here

Event description: Join us in a fun in-person event to meet others members and friends of Sammen om en jobb and learn something useful.

Topic and speaker(s): AI (artificial intelligence) is here to stay and it’s our job to learn how we can use AI effectively and appropriately in a work setting.

We have invited a few speakers to share how they use AI at work. We hope you’ll find both inspiration and new knowledge in this event!

Margie Maria Gonzales is head of sustainability and communications at Drilling - a company that has been “…deeply involved in many of the great innovations in our industry over the past some 30 years, pioneering AI long before it became vogue, we feel like we are at a new beginning.  Complex problems to be solved.  Bring it on.”

Sebastien Krajka will share some thoughts on how AI is changing the world of marketing and marketing professionals. Sebastien is Boost.ai’s growth marketing manager



In Sammen om en jobb Job Workshops, you can
📗 Strengthen your job-seeking skills
💬 Meet other job seekers and perhaps some mentors
💪 Receive help and feedback on your questions
🇳🇴 Practice Norwegian in a professional context

The workshops are free for our members. Welcome!

4. desember

🇬🇧 Information meeting about Sammen om en jobb

11. desember

🇬🇧 Sharing of experiences