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🇬🇧 Happiness and Wellbeing

Join the event here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81977733457 (Meeting-ID: 819 7773 3457)

The most important thing you can prioritise as a job seeker is yourself. Caring for your happiness and wellbeing is fundamental for staying motivated through the ups and downs of the job seeking process.

Therefore, in collaboration with Handprints, we are holding an event on happiness and wellbeing. In the event, we will go through 18 drivers of happiness, and make the first draft of our very own “Happiness List”. You will also gain a tool to help you implement the content of you happiness list every single day.

Read more and sign up here.

The workshop is helt by Erlend Skarsgard Nyheim, but is independent of his role in Sammen om en jobb.

30. september

🇬🇧 Information meeting about Sammen om en jobb

2. oktober

🇳🇴 Mentortreff med ledercoach Vigdis Austrheim