🇬🇧 10 tips for expanding and using your professional network in Norway
In Norway, 70% of jobs are filled through networking and never advertised publicly, making connections essential for job seekers. Building your network helps you access hidden opportunities and gain valuable insights. Join our networking event to learn how to expand and leverage your professional connections effectively!
🇬🇧/🇳🇴 Kick-off Spring 2025 in Stavanger
Welcome to Spring 2025 Kick-Off in Stavanger!
🇳🇴 Kick-off i Oslo
Kick-off er en fin arena for å møte andre deltakere, bygge nettverk, lære mer om jobbsøking, og bli bedre kjent med Sammen om en jobb og vårt arbeid.
🇬🇧 February Networking Session
Join 100+ professionals in our networking session! As a job seeker, you'll have the chance to meet companies and municipalities who are hiring, learn more about what they are looking for and how to stand out, and connect with other people from your field. As a recruiter, you’ll get to meet 100+ highly skilled job seekers from a variety of fields.
🇬🇧 March Networking Session
Join 100+ professionals in our networking session! As a job seeker, you'll have the chance to meet companies and municipalities who are hiring, learn more about what they are looking for and how to stand out, and connect with other people from your field. As a recruiter, you’ll get to meet highly skilled job seekers from a variety of fields.
🇬🇧 May Networking Session
Join 100+ professionals in our networking session! As a job seeker, you'll have the chance to meet companies and municipalities who are hiring, learn more about what they are looking for and how to stand out, and connect with other people from your field. As a recruiter, you’ll get to meet highly skilled job seekers from a variety of fields.
🇳🇴 Hvordan vise at du møter arbeidsgiverens behov?
Jobbsøking handler om hva arbeidsgivers behov er. Bli med oss på workshop for å lære hvordan du kan plukke en stillingsutlysning fra hverandre, forstå hva deres behov er, og hvordan akkurat DU kan møte behovene.
🇬🇧 Sharing of experiences
Join the even in collaboration with Diversify. For this last event of the year, you’ll hear the experiences of some other job seekers and mentors, and get the change to share your own.
🇬🇧 First Friday of the Month in Stavanger: Artificial Intelligence and work
Join us for an in-person event to meet others and learn about AI at work from a few different perspectives. Inspiring? Learning experience? Fun? -we hope so!
🇬🇧 Information meeting about Sammen om en jobb
Whether you are a job seeker or a mentor, the information meeting answers all your questions regarding Sammen om en jobb, our digital community and the mentor programme.
🇳🇴 Informasjonsmøte om Sammen om en jobb
Enten du er jobbsøker eller mentor gir informasjonsmøtet deg svar på alt du lurer på om Sammen om en jobb, vårt digitale fellesskap og mentorprogrammet!.
🇳🇴 Hvordan lager du en imponerende Linkedin profil
Dette jobbverkstedet holdes av Karoline Skår, Talent Search & Growth, og Beate Lund, Talent & Project Management i Netlight. De kommer for å dele tips og triks for å lage en imponerende LinkedIn-profil.
🇳🇴 Kveldssamling for mentorer
Velkommen til digitalt mentortreff. Mentortreffene er en uformell møteplass for mentorer hvor det meste av tiden er dedikert til dialog og diskusjon dere mentorer imellom.
🇬🇧 Day Two: Job Search Launchpad – Beta Workshop
Two-Day Job Search Launchpad – Beta Workshop by Monica K. Brante renowned career strategist, Job Search Coach and Author, of "Keycard - How to Open Doors and Get the Job You Want.", https://www.monicabrante.com
🇬🇧 Leveraging Professional Networks
Join the even on Leveraging Professional Networks in collaboration with Diversify.
🇬🇧Day One: Job Search Launchpad – Beta Workshop
Two-Day Job Search Launchpad – Beta Workshop by Monica K. Brante renowned career strategist, Job Search Coach and Author, of "Keycard - How to Open Doors and Get the Job You Want.", https://www.monicabrante.com
🇬🇧 November Networking Session
In the networking session, you'll have the chance to meet companies and municipalities who are hiring, learn more about what they are looking for and how to stand out, and connect with other people from your field.
🇬🇧 First Friday of the Month in Stavanger: Culture, Communication and the Job Interview
Research indicates that signaling social skills is essential in a job interview, but how do we communicate skills? What does 'good communication' mean?
🇬🇧 How to learn Norwegian really fast
Have you noticed how some people learn languages in no time, while others struggle and struggle and never achieve fluency? What makes you great at language learning are the tools, methods and habits you use - and the best news is that anyone can do this in any language! Join the workshop and we'll show you how!
🇬🇧 Information meeting about Sammen om en jobb
Whether you are a job seeker or a mentor, the information meeting answers all your questions regarding Sammen om en jobb, our digital community and the mentor programme.
🇳🇴 Informasjonsmøte om Sammen om en jobb
Enten du er jobbsøker eller mentor gir informasjonsmøtet deg svar på alt du lurer på om Sammen om en jobb, vårt digitale fellesskap og mentorprogrammet!.
Lanseringsevent: Ny digital plattform for arbeidsinkludering
Vi har gleden av å invitere deg til lanseringen av vår nye digitale plattform, utviklet i samarbeid med Accenture, som skal bidra til at innvandrere og flyktninger i Norge får brukt sin kompetanse i arbeidsmarkedet.
🇳🇴 Intervjutrening med PA Consulting
Denne månedens jobbverksted blir noe utenom det vanlige. Denne gangen skal vi nemlig på besøk hos PA Consulting. Tema blir intervjutrening, og til å gjennomføre intervjutreningen får du møte ansatte i PA!
🇳🇴 Frokostmøte for mentorer
Mentortreffene er en uformell møteplass for mentorer hvor det meste av tiden er dedikert til dialog og diskusjon dere mentorer imellom. Velkommen!
🇬🇧 Tools for building resilience as a job seeker in Norway
Tools to Thrive: Interactive Mental Fitness Seminar is a workshop held by Elizabeth Sturdy. More details will be provided shortly, but save the date already!
🇬🇧 Preparing for job interviews
Join the even on Preparing for job interviews in collaboration with Diversify.
🇬🇧 First Friday of the Month in Stavanger: Your international background as an asset to your career
Join us to hear Cyntia Myrnes, CEO and co-owner at Relocation AS share her career experiences as an international in Stavanger
🇳🇴 Mentortreff med ledercoach Vigdis Austrheim
Velkommen til digitalt mentortreff med lederutvikler og -coach Vigdis Austrheim. Mentortreffene er en uformell møteplass for mentorer hvor det meste av tiden er dedikert til dialog og diskusjon dere mentorer imellom.
🇬🇧 Happiness and Wellbeing
The most important thing you can prioritise as a job seeker is yourself. Caring for your happiness and wellbeing is fundamental for staying motivated through the ups and downs of the job seeking process.
🇬🇧 Information meeting about Sammen om en jobb
Whether you are a job seeker or a mentor, the information meeting answers all your questions regarding Sammen om en jobb, our digital community and the mentor programme.
🇳🇴 Informasjonsmøte om Sammen om en jobb
Enten du er jobbsøker eller mentor gir informasjonsmøtet deg svar på alt du lurer på om Sammen om en jobb, vårt digitale fellesskap og mentorprogrammet!.
🇬🇧 Job workshop: How to open doors and get the job you want?
Måned holder vi jobbverksted for deg som er ny i Norge med høyere utdanning og et ønske om å finne en relevant jobb. På jobberkstedet får du faglig påfyll, møte andre jobbsøkere, hjelp til spørsmål om din jobbsøkingsprosess og praktisert norsk fagspråk.
🇬🇧 Crafting an Impactful CV and Cover Letter
Join the even on Crafting an Impactful CV and Cover Letter in collaboration with Diversify.
🇬🇧 Networking Session
In the networking session, you'll have the chance to meet companies and municipalities who are hiring, learn more about what they are looking for and how to stand out, and connect with other people from your field.
🇳🇴🇬🇧 Kick-off i Stavanger
Bli med på kick-off for høsten med Sammen om en jobb i Stavanger!
Please join us for Sammen om en jobb's Autumn 2024 kick-off in Stavanger!
🇬🇧 Information meeting about Sammen om en jobb
Whether you are a job seeker or a mentor, the information meeting answers all your questions regarding Sammen om en jobb, our digital community and the mentor programme.