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🇬🇧 Tools for building resilience as a job seeker in Norway

📍 Place: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6668804430
📃 Sign up: here

“Tools for building resilience as a job seeker in Norway” is a webinar held by Elizabeth Sturdy. The webinar will provide practical tools and insights for those who struggle with overthinking, imposter syndrome, stress management, and feeling stuck. 

Webinar summary:

Ready to be the proactive leader of your life and stress?

Join Career and Workplace Wellbeing Coach and Facilitator Elizabeth Sturdy (CPCC ACC) to get the tools to do just that! 

This interactive webinar will give you the tools to understand and interrupt stuck and negative thought patterns in yourself and others, as well as practical tools to deal proactively with stress and build resilience.

Want to get started now? Take this assessment before we meet! 

Meet the coach:

Elizabeth Sturdy is a career and workplace wellbeing coach (CPCC ACC). She works to create safe spaces for individuals, groups, and teams to talk about mental wellbeing and facing challenges with courage and practical tools. She’s also an American who loves hiking, skiing, and kayaking and has chosen to build a life and business in Trondheim over the past ten years.

16. oktober

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