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🇬🇧 How to execute a good job interview

👣 Open for: everyone
🇬🇧 Language: English
📍 Place: Zoom
📃 Sign up: here

Job interview is something people are eager to be invited to, but dreading it after they have been invited. It does not have to be like that for you. With good preparation to the usual interview questions, you will feel like fish in the water at any interview. In this workshop we will help you with preparation.

We will get a guest presenter Bianca Cenan, international career coach who has 5+ years of HR experience.

13:00 – Presentation of the workshop topic
13:30 – Practical exercise
14:00 – Discussion and help with own job seeking (🇬🇧+🇳🇴)

Every Wednesday from 13-15 we hold Job Workshops for you who are new in Norway with higher education and a desire to find a relevant job. Everything is free.

In the Job Workshops you have the chance to:
📗 Strengthen you job seeking skills
💬 Meet other job seekers and perhaps some mentors from Norwegian companies
💪 Receive help and feedback on your questions
🇳🇴 Practice Norwegian in a professional context

The workshops are free!


🙋 Ready to receive more support with your job-seeking? 

Would you like to gain access to free online resources, join a community of fellow job seekers and have the possibility of being matched with a personal mentor from your field? Everything is 100% free, and you can read more and sign up here!

4. april

🇳🇴🇬🇧 Informasjonsmøte for jobbsøkere

11. april

🇬🇧 Culture Chat