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🇬🇧 How to learn Norwegian really fast

👣 Open for: everyone
🇬🇧 Language: English
📍 Place: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6668804430
📃 Sign up: here

Have you noticed how some people learn languages in no time, while others struggle and struggle and never achieve fluency? The primary characteristic of successful learners isn't the similarity of their mother tongue, nor some innate ability for language learning. What makes you great at language learning are the tools, methods and habits you use - and the best news is that anyone can do this in any language!

In this workshop we'll go through how our brain works, and how we can use this knowledge to significantly improve the amount of new words and grammar we can learn. We’ll also talk about habits, how they are formed, and how you can prime your language learning routine in order to successfully sit down to work on you language learning every single day.

The workshop will be held by Erlend Skarsgard Nyheim. Erlend is the founder of Sammen om en jobb and Handprints. He speaks six languages fluently, and has a degree in teaching Norway as a second language to adults. As a teaser, you can start looking at these videos.

Welcome! 🌿😁💚

29. oktober

🇬🇧 Information meeting about Sammen om en jobb

1. november

🇬🇧 First Friday of the Month in Stavanger: Culture, Communication and the Job Interview