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🇬🇧 May Networking Session

👣 Open for: Everyone
🇬🇧 Language: English
📍 Place: Zoom (link received 24 hours ahead of event)
✏️ Sign up: Below

Join 100+ professionals in our next networking session!

As a job seeker, you'll have the chance to meet companies and municipalities who are hiring, learn more about what they are looking for and how to stand out, and connect with other people from your field. As a recruiter, you’ll get to meet 100+ highly skilled job seekers from a variety of fields. The session happens in Zoom, and is divided into two parts:

Part 1: Presentations

  • Staffan Landsmann-Wiwe (næringsutvikler in Ål municipality) presents professional opportunities in the Hallingdal region

  • The other speakers will be announced shortly.

Part 2: Networking

  • Talk with the speakers and/or companies directly in smaller groups or connect with other people from your field.

The event is completely free, and you are very welcome to bring along a friend or two! 😊

Sign up



If you wish to prepare, have a look at our tips on how to present yourself through a pitch or join Norway’s largest community for highly skilled job seekers to continue networking and gain access to 30+ modules on job seeking.

Further sessions

Find and sign up for further network sessions here, or have a look at all of our events here.

23. april

🇬🇧 Understanding Norwegian cultural values

13. mai

🇬🇧 Speaking norsk?