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🇬🇧 Show your informal skillset

👣 Open for: everyone
🇬🇧 Language: English
📍 Place: Zoom
📃 Sign up: here

When we talk about competence, most people automatically think of education and work experience. This is the formal competence, and constitutes only a small part of your total competence. You also have a lot of informal skills that can be very relevant for a job application! In contrast to the formal competence, most of us are not particularly aware of our informal competence, and how to use this in a job application process. In this workshop, we will change exactly that!

13:00 – Presentation of the workshop topic
13:30 – Practical exercise
14:00 – Discussion and help with own job seeking (🇬🇧+🇳🇴)

Every Wednesday from 13-15 we hold Job Workshops for you who are new in Norway with higher education and a desire to find a relevant job. Everything is free.

In the Job Workshops you have the chance to:
📗 Strengthen you job seeking skills
💬 Meet other job seekers and perhaps some mentors from Norwegian companies
💪 Receive help and feedback on your questions
🇳🇴 Practice Norwegian in a professional context

The workshops are free, and you can sign up here.


🙋 Ready to receive more support with your job-seeking? 

Would you like to gain access to free online resources, join a community of fellow job seekers and have the possibility of being matched with a personal mentor from your field? Everything is 100% free, and you can read more and sign up here!

22. september

🇬🇧 Multicultural Networking and Kick-off

4. oktober

🇬🇧 Writing a good CV