👣 Open for: Rogaland
🇬🇧 Language: English
📍 Place: Stavanger, Innovasjonspark, Professor Olav Hanssens vei 7. Måltidets Hus
📃 Sign up: E-mail to Tone. Open to mentors and mentees in Rogaland
Join us in a fun workshop, inviting you to consider cultural values, and how they show up in the workplace. Being aware of differences in cultural values allows us to pivot and adjust to the situation. You’ll be able to ‘profile’ your own values prior to the workshop.
The topic is presented by Tone Indrelid, who is an anthropologist and a certified intercultural trainer with the Interchange Institute / certified Globesmart Profiler.
14:00 – Topic of the workshop
14:30 – Practical exercise
15:00 – Discussion and help with other questions
Every Monday from 14.00 to 16.00 Sammen om en jobb hosts Job Workshop, alternating digital and in-person meetings (in-person: Oslo and Stavanger only). The Job Workshops are a meeting arena where you can:
📗 Gain insights to support your job-seeking skills
💬 Meet other job seekers and perhaps some mentors from different companies
💪 Receive help and feedback on your questions
🇳🇴 Practice the Norwegian language in a professional context
🙋 Ready to receive more support with your job-seeking?
Would you like to gain access to free online resources and a community of fellow job seekers on our digital platform? Would you like to be matched with a personal mentor who can support your job seeking journey? Join the mentor program Sammen om en jobb today! You can read more and sign up here