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🇳🇴🇬🇧 Summer Socializing in Stavanger

👣 Open to: Everyone
🇳🇴 Language: Norwegian and English
📍 Where: Innovasjonsparken, Professor Olav Hansens vei 7
🕟 When: Tuesday June 18th, 18.00 - 20.00
📃 Register: here

Welcome to Sammen om en jobb’s Summer Socializing

Sammen om en jobb has grown from a handful of people to a strong and supportive community over the last 2 years. We want to honor belonging, our community, and everyone in it.

We will share some of what we have done this year and what you can expect from us moving forward, but most importantly, we want to bring people together and have fun in a relaxed atmosphere.

I look forward to welcoming you to Innovasjonsparken 💚

13. juni

🇳🇴 Årsmøte i Sammen om en jobb

27. august

🇳🇴🇬🇧 Kick-off av mentorprogrammet i Oslo