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🇬🇧 Understanding the Norwegian language levels and nailing the Norwegian test

👣 Open for: Rogaland
🇬🇧 Language: English
📍 Place: Stavanger, Innovasjonspark, Professor Olav Hanssens vei 7.
📃 Sign up: Email invite will be sent closer to the date. Open to mentor and mentees in Rogaland

Many of you are learning Norwegian independently and may find the different competencies, levels, and skill sets involved in language learning a bit confusing!

This session will walk you through what A1/2 and B1/2 mean in terms of communicative competence, and provide you with an understanding of expectations as well as a few tricks to ace the test (Norskprøven). We’ll also cover some basic language nuances around formality and politeness. Welcome!

Who: Tone holds a CELTA certification as an additional language instructor from The British Council as well as 30 ECTS creds in teaching Norwegian as an additional language (PRISME/UiB). She taught Norwegian for 2 years at Lenoo i Stavanger before joining Sammen om en jobb.

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