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🇬🇧 Identify your Strengths, and How to Use Them

👣 Open for: Rogaland
🇬🇧 Language: English
📍 Place: Stavanger, Innovasjonspark, Professor Olav Hanssens vei 7. Måltidets Hus
📃 Sign up: here. Note: you must be a mentee og mentor in Sammen om en jobb Rogaland to attend

Culture chat focuses on understanding cultural context and diversity, and using that understanding as an asset. The baseline for all discussions is knowing and understanding yourself.

Today, we have a guest who will share some insights into how you can identify your strengths, and use them in your job seeking. Our presenter is organization advisor and coach Mai Kristin Nilsson. Mai Kristin has years of experience in leadership, HR, and change management. She owns and runs Compita, a Stavanger-based consultancy.


12.00 - 12.45: Presentation: Identify your strengths and how to use them: International jobseeker perspective + Q&A

12.45 - 13.30: Networking and culture chat


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2. november

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