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🇬🇧 Networking, F2F and online: and have you considered a remote career?

👣 Open for: Rogaland
🇬🇧 Language: English/Norsk
📍 Place: Innovasjonspark, Professor Olav Hanssens vei 7, 4021 Stavanger
📃 Sign up: email invite will be sent out the week before

2 pm: Kana Yamamoto will tell us about the choices and changes she made in turning her career remote and portable to accommodate her life as a high-mobility spouse.

3 pm: A few insights on networking from Petter Omdal, founder and CEO, Top of Mind.

And perhaps most importantly: let’s network, talk and enjoy ourselves before heading home! Snacks will be provided.

Welcome! I look forward to seeing you

Every Monday from 14.00 to 16.00 Sammen om en jobb hosts Job Workshop, alternating digital and in-person meetings (in-person: Oslo and Stavanger only).  The Job Workshops are a meeting arena where you can:

📗 Gain insights to support your job-seeking skills
💬 Meet other job seekers and perhaps some mentors from different companies
💪 Receive help and feedback on your questions
🇳🇴 Practice the Norwegian language in a professional context


🙋 Ready to receive more support with your job-seeking? 

Would you like to gain access to free online resources and a community of fellow job seekers on our digital platform? Would you like to be matched with a personal mentor who can support your job seeking journey? Join the mentor program Sammen om en jobb today! You can read more and sign up here